Ömer Köse

I obtained my B.S. in Computer Engineering from METU. In October 2023, I will begin my M.S. program in Informatics at TUM.

I am a Research Fellow at TUBITAK. I also work as a researcher in iVizLab at Simon Fraser University.

My research interests span computer graphics, geometry processing, and deep learning.

Outside of research, I also have experience working on both software and hardware for computer graphics. I love working on complex graphics software such as game engines, and I am a Graphics Engineer at Esri, where I work on developing and improving ArcGIS Pro's graphics engine.

I am strongly interested in bridging the gap between research and engineering by utilizing research findings to solve real-world problems.

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Technical University of Munich
Master of Science
Munich, Germany
Starting in October, 2023
Middle East Technical University
Bachelor of Science
Computer Engineering
Ankara, Turkey
September, 2018 - July, 2023

Simon Fraser University - iVizLab
Vancouver, Canada (Remote)
January, 2023 - Present
  • Currently, I am working as a Researcher at iVizLab (Simon Fraser University), collaborating with Meehae Song and Nouf Abukhodair on the classification of artworks with neural networks.
Core Graphics Engineer
Redlands, California, US (Remote)
December, 2022 - Present
  • Currently, I am working as a Part-Time Core Graphics Engineer on ArcGIS Pro Software.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Ankara, Turkey
October, 2021 - July 2023
Supervisors: Yusuf Sahillioglu and Sinan Kalkan
  • Currently, I am working as a Research Assistant at TUBITAK, collaborating with Güneş Sucu under the supervision of Professor Sinan Kalkan and Yusuf Sahillioğlu on shape matching with neural networks.
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Undergraduate Research Assistant Intern
Saarland, Germany
July, 2021 - January, 2022
Supervisor: Rhaleb Zayer

  • Research on mesh flattening under high number of constraints
  • Developed a framework in MATLAB which provides a user interface and flattens the mesh
  • Developed a visualizer in C++ with OpenGL to visualize textures on the meshes using the UV coordinates obtained in MATLAB
Middle East Technical University
Undergraduate Research Assistant Intern
Ankara, Turkey
July, 2021 - October, 2021
Supervisors: Yusuf Sahillioglu
  • Worked on mesh morphing. Explored the effect of different bases on mesh morphing problem. Different linear interpolation techniques like linear, bilinear and trilinear interpolation are used to obtain the morph based on the reduced basis projected vertices of the original two shapes
  • Developed a framework in C++ to get the morphed mesh. Geometry Central and Eigen libraries are used to obtain needed data structures, operators, and solvers. Visualizing is done using the Polyscope library
Middle East Technical University
Undergraduate Research Assistant Intern
Ankara, Turkey
January, 2021 - June, 2021
Supervisor: Yusuf Sahillioglu
  • Worked on geodesics on triangle meshes. Focused on improving graph-based approach towards approximating geodesics. Constructed different graphs to straighten the geodesics locally on each triangle face. Worked on a post-processing step to straighten the geodesics
  • Developed a framework in C++ to get the geodesics. Geometry Central library is used to obtain needed data structures and operators. Visualizing is done using the Polyscope library

Ray Marching with Signed Distance Functions
  • Implemented a renderer that uses Ray Marching with Signed Distance Functions with my teammate.
  • Implementation is done in C++ with OpenGL.
Eulerian Fluid Simulation
  • Implemented an Eulerian Fluid Simulation where grid is represented by a staggered MAC Grid
  • Implementation is done in Python using Taichi
CENG501 Term Project Paper Implementation: SMG: A Shuffling Gradient-Based Method with Momentum
  • Implemented SMG: A Shuffling Gradient-Based Method with Momentum paper published at ICML 2021 conference with my teammate
  • Implemented the paper in Python using PyTorch. The networks were trained on Google Colab
CENG789 Term Project Paper Implementation: The Heat Method for Distance Computation
  • Implemented The Heat Method for Distance Computation published at ACM Transactions on Graphics 2013 for triangle meshes
  • Implemented the paper in C++ using Geometry Central and Eigen libraries for their data structures, operators, and solvers, Polyscope for Visualization
Procedural Terrain Generator
  • Currently developing a procedural terrain generation engine in C++ with OpenGL
  • The engine procedurally generates a terrain of different biomes depending on different heights
Ray Tracer
  • Developed a Ray Tracer in C++ following Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend series
  • Developed a Software Rasterizer in C++ following Dimitry Sokolov's Tiny Renderer wiki.